Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Top 10 List on Ranker

Guess I never really took the time to search the web...but there are other people out there who also get the humor in this whole baby industry and want to share the joy!

Here is a write-up on Ranker by a user called "theothermother" with her top 10 Worst Baby Products. Before reading, I will warn you, you may not agree with ALL 10 items ... but go in with an open mind and allow yourself to see the humor in this all :)


Baby Bangs, it's like a wig for infants!

When your baby boy sprays you with love

I probably have no idea - this could be a life saver if you have a little boy. And they pee way up in the air while you're changing their diaper.

I still don't know what we're having - we've decided to go old school and keep it a surprise. So if we have a boy and I end up buying these I WILL indeed eat my words. But really...would you buy these?? Why not use a handy towel or baby wipe nearby? I mean with one wiggle or squirm by your baby (I mean they squirm when you change them, am I right?!) this thing's got to fall out of place.

The Beba Bean Pee-pee Teepee

Pukies, and other Bad Product Names

Okay so this post is a little different. I'm not going to say these items are "unnecessary" but I have another grievance. Why is it the baby industry seems to foster all these horrible product/company names?!

Case in point, Pukies Eco-Friendly Clothing. Okay I get it, so they describe their product as "designed to disguise the mess kids create and to hide the fact that kids wear what they eat!" I think that's a great concept and I love that they're eco-friendly. Two pluses! But why on earth do you need to call them Pukies??

How about a few more:

My Breast Friend: Nursing pillow (Ugh, just ugh. Gettin' all Dr. Seuess for breastfeeding huh?)
Hooter Hiders: Ok so I probably don't even nee to tell you what this product does (ok if you must - it's a nursing cover up) but don't remind me of cheap hot wings when I'm thinking of mother's milk
Diaper Dude: They make a line of dad friendly diaper bags (Does he really want to be called a "Dude" in this scenario?)

My one suspicion as to why the baby industry goes so far on a limb with their naming conventions - to be DIFFERENT. They are trying anything to be different because there are SO many players out there ;) Probably too many. Making the job of us parent-shoppers that much harder.

Have I missed any other horribly named baby products? I'm quite certain this list isn't even close to be complete. So please, comment below and share the love!

The Pukies Boy Track Jacket in "Ketchup"

Monday, January 18, 2010

Where'd you get that diaper bag?

So there does seem to be this great dividing line in the diaper bag world. There's the one side: "I want a cutesy baby pattern, the cuter the better!" and then the: "I won't dare let anyone know this is a diaper bag, I would rather die". The latter folks sometime opt for that military camo pattern, but come on, you're not fooling anyone. I'm not one to pick on your tastes, because I'll probably fall into the "don't want anyone to know" category simply because this bag is for ME - not to keep baby stimulated by the colorful patterns :) That's what toys are for. Or simply by being out of the house, which is most likely what you're doing, yes?

Anywho, I came across this diaper bag on Amazon today and it just blew my mind. I had to click thru to the product page just to make sure it indeed WAS intended for adults. And it was. Oh my.

The Precious Planet 2 in 1 Diaper Bag at Amazon

Monday, December 14, 2009

I can't stop texting!

From the Runner's World Daily Blog:

You know, it's Monday. A brand new week. Full of promise. So this morning, when I woke up after a lovely weekend, I bounded out of bed, ready to greet the day.

Then I saw this:

This is the Texthook, a device that clamps onto a baby stroller and lets horrible "connected" moms and dads text and e-mail while they push the kid around town.

Yeah, his article says it all. Get the whole scoop here: http://dailyviews.runnersworld.com/2009/12/wow.html

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wonder why your diaper bag weighs 40 lbs?

Because marketers tell you, you must have all these things in order to survive outside of the home with your baby. Oh my gosh, you must have this nursing cover because a sweater or your jacket just won't do!

I mean what if you bought this lovely green pattern and happened to be wearing a clashing color that day - should I get it in multiple colors and coordinate with my outfit before walking out the door?

The Generation Nursing Cover; it looks like an apron, maybe the apron you already have will do?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh my eyes are burning!

Okay maybe that title was too harsh. And maybe I'm not qualified to comment on the things a baby will actually WEAR. I haven't actually "had" my baby yet, so the reality that I will have to dress it hasn't really sunk in. And who knows if I will develop this undeniable urge to dress it UP like a flapper?? Gosh I sure hope not.

But still, this is just silly looking. I mean it won't even keep baby's head warm, there are giant holes in the crochet pattern :)