Monday, January 18, 2010

Where'd you get that diaper bag?

So there does seem to be this great dividing line in the diaper bag world. There's the one side: "I want a cutesy baby pattern, the cuter the better!" and then the: "I won't dare let anyone know this is a diaper bag, I would rather die". The latter folks sometime opt for that military camo pattern, but come on, you're not fooling anyone. I'm not one to pick on your tastes, because I'll probably fall into the "don't want anyone to know" category simply because this bag is for ME - not to keep baby stimulated by the colorful patterns :) That's what toys are for. Or simply by being out of the house, which is most likely what you're doing, yes?

Anywho, I came across this diaper bag on Amazon today and it just blew my mind. I had to click thru to the product page just to make sure it indeed WAS intended for adults. And it was. Oh my.

The Precious Planet 2 in 1 Diaper Bag at Amazon

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